Sunday, September 25, 2011

Internet Safety

Today's child is exposed to technology in a variety of ways. They have internet access on computers at home and school. They can participate in online gaming at home, or at a friend's house. It is becoming more and more common for children to have cell phones allowing them to text message or instant message others. With all this technology comes great opportunities to do amazing things. While these opportunities are exciting and fun for children, they can present many dangers that most children are not aware of.
We talked briefly last week about internet safety. Many of the students conveyed they were not aware that it is dangerous to give others their name, age, location, and/or school name. I found a great site with some video clips related to internet safety click
here to check it out. We will watch a few of these and continue our discussion about this highly important topic this week. We want to know that our students are safe and making net safe choices. Please take time to check out the great parent information when you have time.

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