Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Behavior Management

$ Frost $ Huizen $ Noble $
Behavior Management
In order to promote positive behavior choices we will be using a money system.  Your child can earn $ for their efforts by being a responsible respectful student.  Here is an outline for some of the ways in which this money system will work.  Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions.
Ways to earn Money
*Student Planner initialed = 1$
*Homework completed = 1$
*Notes and permission slips signed and returned=1$
*Personal Best effort on in class assignments
*Using LIFESKILLS and Lifelong Guidelines
*Good behavior 
*Good manners 
*Above and beyond to be helpful
We reserve the right to award money for other things as we see fit :)
Pay up
*Forget homework pay 1$ 
*Forget student planner initials pay 1$ 
*Poor behavior choices or attitude pay 1$ or more
*Behavior issues in specials, or at recess pay 1$ or more
*Forgotten Library books or P.E. shoes pay 1$ 
We reserve the right to ask students to pay for other things as we see fit :(
The money earned can be used to buy things- such as computer time, homework pass, extra minutes of recess, and other special extras...sometimes goody box items.  A chart will be posted in the classroom so that students will know how much certain rewards cost.
If you are interested in contributing to the goody box we would greatly appreciate donations.  
A few desired items are :
individual pieces of candy or snack sizes
fruit snacks
fun pencils, pens, or markers
small note pads
book marks
small trinkets
post it pads
*anything your child would like to receive as a small reward :)
If you have questions about this please contact us :)

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