Thursday, March 29, 2012

March Madness (5th grade style :))

We have had a busy month! I thought would share a few highlights before Spring Break. We visited the Middle School! The students went on a tour around the school led by student council members. They seemed nervous, but excited about what lies ahead.

We had our annual Zinser Talent/Art/Science Show! It was a great success! I hope that all that attended and participated had a fun filled experience!

We had a visit from Rob the Drummer. He had a great entertaining message about bullying and self esteem.

Mr. Hopkins came in to our classes to read to the students as a part of our March is Reading Month events. It was nice to get to know him a little better.

We had to say good-bye to Mrs. Huizen. :(

Hopefully many of you were able to attend our Famous American night at Central. It was a huge success. I was able to visit each of our students' stations that night. They were all so amazing. I can speak for all of us and Mr. V when I say we are so proud of our students! They looked great and their behavior was wonderful! Thank-you parents for all your participation and cooperation! Thank-you Mrs. Frost for all the time, effort, and organization you put into that project!

Subject Area Updates:
The students just finished their unit on Multiplication. After Spring Break they will begin a unit on Division.

We are at the end of our Classification unit. I tried hard to complete the unit before break and we almost made it but not quite :) We will have our review and test the week after break. Our next unit will be Adaptations and then the Solar System.

Social Studies
We just completed our unit on Colonialism. Our final unit will be Independence. We will begin that unit after break.

Language Arts
Our last quarter will consist of a review of all the writing traits we have learned and implemented this year. We will then focus on incorporating these into a narrative.

Reading & RtI
We will be doing some fun things with reading in the last quarter. We will be doing some book projects and presentations. We will be exploring the genres of Science Fiction and Historical Fiction.

Please keep in mind we have our school spring concert on April 16!

Have a fantastic safe Spring Break!

Miss Noble

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