Monday, December 10, 2012

We have been soooooo busy:)

Hooray for the Fundraiser WINNERS
Limo Ride:)
                                       November Friday Finale Hostess'
                                             Daddy and his daughters!!!!!!!
                 Clifford stopped by to remind us that the book fair was next week.

                                           Frost/Huizen Hero Pledges:
                                             Hanging in the cafeteria
                                          More Friday Finale Pictures:

                       November Frost/Huizen #1 Hikers that were Honored at
                                                  the Friday Finale.
                                     Force and Motion Science review game:
                                                Awesome Art Work:
                                        Preparing for our Science test:

                                              Visiting the Book Fair......

                                       Rehearsal for the Christmas program:

                                               Santa Workshop:

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