Monday, September 24, 2012

We can't believe it is almost October!!  The weather is changing and we are back in full swing of things:)  Welcome to our 5th grade blog.  We are excited to have you follow the extra fun things we are doing in our classes.  This is a work in progress for us!   We are learning new things everyday:)

Friday our first memo came home with lots of good information and important dates.  It was on purple paper.  We hope you were able to read it with your child.

This Friday will be our first Friday Finale which will start at 3:00.  Hope to see you there.

Next week we have two field trips which we will be spending time outside.  Please keep your eye on the weather and help your child dress accordingly.

Getting to know your child has been a rewarding experience.  Thank you for sharing them with us:)

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