Thursday, October 27, 2011

Factor the Footprints

Recently your child brought home a paper gameboard. The gameboard was taken from the Math Resource book. Your child should have also brought home the directions. :) In case you do not have the directions here they are!
Game Rules:
1. One player will follow the trail of dark footprints, and the other will follow the trail of light footprints. Placing the marker
(penny, paper clip, etc) on the first footprint, the first player names all the possible factor pairs for the number shown.
The factor “1” is not permitted!
2.The factors should be given in equation form for example, 3 x 6 = 18.
3. The player moves forward 1 space for each correct equation named.
4. The second player does the same, following a different trail.
5. The first player to reach the “Finish” wins the game!
Playing the Game:
Player 1 has landed on a footprint marked 12. He says, “6x2=12 and 4x3=12.” He has given 2 equations so he moves ahead 2
spaces. (Reversing the order of the factors to produce another equation is not allowed!)
It is now Player 2’s turn. She landed on a footprint marked 40. She says, “8x5=40 and 2x20=40.” She also says,
“4x10=40.” Generating factors that are not part of the multiplication chart is allowed, so she moves ahead 3 spaces.
Losing turns/Disputed Equations:
If 1 player gives an equation that the other player believes to be incorrect, they can consult the Multiplication table or
check by using other learned strategies.
A player who gives an incorrect equation loses that turn. Players who land in one of the 2 mud puddles on the board also
lose a turn!

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