Thursday, October 27, 2011

Factor the Footprints

Recently your child brought home a paper gameboard. The gameboard was taken from the Math Resource book. Your child should have also brought home the directions. :) In case you do not have the directions here they are!
Game Rules:
1. One player will follow the trail of dark footprints, and the other will follow the trail of light footprints. Placing the marker
(penny, paper clip, etc) on the first footprint, the first player names all the possible factor pairs for the number shown.
The factor “1” is not permitted!
2.The factors should be given in equation form for example, 3 x 6 = 18.
3. The player moves forward 1 space for each correct equation named.
4. The second player does the same, following a different trail.
5. The first player to reach the “Finish” wins the game!
Playing the Game:
Player 1 has landed on a footprint marked 12. He says, “6x2=12 and 4x3=12.” He has given 2 equations so he moves ahead 2
spaces. (Reversing the order of the factors to produce another equation is not allowed!)
It is now Player 2’s turn. She landed on a footprint marked 40. She says, “8x5=40 and 2x20=40.” She also says,
“4x10=40.” Generating factors that are not part of the multiplication chart is allowed, so she moves ahead 3 spaces.
Losing turns/Disputed Equations:
If 1 player gives an equation that the other player believes to be incorrect, they can consult the Multiplication table or
check by using other learned strategies.
A player who gives an incorrect equation loses that turn. Players who land in one of the 2 mud puddles on the board also
lose a turn!

Nature Center Trip

Today we had our trip to the Nature Center! Everything went smoothly. The students had a great time exploring some traditional Native American games, making a beaded necklace, reviewing facts about Native American life and traditions, and exploring Native American artifacts. The students also were able to see how Native Americans started their fires.

We would like to thank all the volunteers that were able to join us! Your help is always greatly appreciated!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Math Mania

Our new math program is excellent! It really opens math concepts up to all students by offering many different ways to get to the same answer. Students have math :) There are many cool math websites that would be great for your child to use at home. Click on any of the following links and give them a try!,,, Houghton Mifflin Math Expressions for Families

Friday, October 7, 2011

Can you spell success? Spelling

Our spelling words can also be found by clicking here on Spelling City a website that helps students learn their spelling words while having fun at the same time. I will put my spelling list on Spelling City and your child can review the words and play spelling games to reinforce the learning process. Here’s how to help your child master his or her spelling words: Simply go to to see how the site works. To get started, click on “Sample Lists” and choose any list you like. Then try the Teach Me, Test Me, or Play A Game link. You can find our class spelling list by simply clicking on “Find a List” and typing in my name, MaryLyn Frost. (My name must be spelled correctly and with the correct spacing and capitalization in order to work). The list will appear and your child can immediately start practicing his or her words. Many kids enjoy building their spelling skills with Spelling City.
There are many other ways your child can study spelling words. Some fun activities include: spelling the words while doing jumping jacks, writing them in ABC order, creating puzzles like word searches, etc. Any creative way your child chooses to study will help!