Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Body System Assessment

To review for Body System Assessment we played review Football and review Tic Tac Toe. Be sure to ask your child about these fun games!

To celebrate and reward the students for their hardwork I made "body system cookies! The cookies must have worked their scores were awesome! ;)
yummy the digestive system!

Be sure to use your brain!

Veins and arteries


mmmm body systems :)


We are now half way through our school year! In some ways it is hard to believe! As the students have become more comfortable with each other they have begun to "joke" or "mess around" with each other. We want the students to enjoy their time at Zinser. However, some of this comfortableness has resulted in some students saying hurtful things to others both in the 5th grade and in other grades as well. Please discuss with your child the utmost important golden rule- treat others the way you want to be treated. This also applies to how they treat school material. We have had several issues with students writing in and defacing school books and materials. These items are costly to replace and we would hate to have a family have to replace them.

Personal items should be taken home at the end of each day. We do not have lockers for 5th graders. Our classroom closets resemble a bedroom closet at the moment. Your child is welcome to keep a pair of P.E. shoes here-EVERYTHING else should go home EVERYDAY! We have numerous water bottles, sweatshirts, shoes, and other items being left on the floor everyday. This is frustrating to our cleaning staff that then have to pick up after our students.

We appreciate your support!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Science Update

Our unit on Body Systems is finally coming to an end this week on Friday! By now I hope you have been told and saw for yourself in your child's planner we have a test on this Thursday and Friday. Due to the length and depth of this unit I decided to break this test up into 2 parts. On Thursday the students will take part 1, which covers the Skeletal, Muscular, Respiratory and Circulatory systems. On Friday they will take part 2, which covers the Digestive, Excretory, and Nervous systems. Each student received a pink study guide that needs to be signed acknowledging that they have studied.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Teaching this unit has been so amazing! I had not thought about the functions of many of these systems since my college courses. I think that the students had as much fun as I did discussing the miraculous events that happen simultaneously in our bodies everyday. Hopefully your child has shared some of the fun facts they have learned.

For each system we labeled the main parts of that system. They made detailed drawings of some of the major organs, such as the heart.

We also made other tools to help the students better understand the system and how it works. We made circulation wheels.
We conducted taste tests to better understand how our taste buds work.
We ate different foods to see how the enzymes in our saliva break down the foods we eat to make them more easily digested in our intestines.

We experimented with water and vinegar to better understand how water and gastric juices further break down food and prepare it for digestion.
We did an experiment with our breath rate to help us better understand how a relaxed breathing rate differs from an active breath rate. We also applied some of our knowledge of algebraic equations to determine an average of how many breaths we take in a minute, a hour, a day, and a year.

We made study packets to help review and organize all the fascinating information we have learned! Be sure to look through and enjoy your child's packets on Body Systems!