Monday, November 14, 2011

Math Update

We have been working our way through Unit 3~Decimals and Graphs.  As mentioned at conferences, each child has a math note book that we use each and everyday to help us with organization and study habits. Thus far, we have learned how a decimal and a fractions are a part of a whole. We have worked on fractions as a decimal, less than, greater than and equal to, comparing to decimals, money, fractions, writing out decimal numbers in word form, word form to decimal numbers, adding and subtracting decimals (tricky lining those decimal up)!  But, most of all a lot with place value!!!  Keep practicing those multiplication facts at home:)

First Snow

As an adult I see snow and think of shoveling, driving on icy snow covered roads, and extra stuff (hats, gloves, snow pants, boots). However, children see those first snowflakes fall and there are gasps of excitement and anticipation! The holidays are coming, snowball fights, snowmen, sledding :) We often think of 5th graders as big kids, too big for so many things. They are not too big to be ecstatic about snowflakes :) If only as adults we could look as these simple things through the eyes of a child.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Force and Motion Experiments in Action

Our current science topic has been Force and Motion. We have spent the past weeks conducting experiments to better understand force, motion, friction, gravity, inertia, static electricity, magnetism, speed, and distance. All 3 classes have had fun with these hands on explorations of Force and Motion.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Upcoming Assessments!

Tomorrow (11/2/11) the students will have a Math Assessment on Area and Perimeter.

The students will have a Social Studies test on Africa on Thursday (11/3/11). Please look for the yellow Study Guide. The students should have this signed and return it to school on Thursday. To successfully study the students were told to use 3 things- the yellow study guide, their packet, and the blue questions that can be cut into flash cards for studying! All students should study both tonight and tomorrow night :)
Thanks for your support!